Faisal Adams

Developer and designer.

I am a problem solver with over three years of coding experience building, and creating amazing web experiences for agro businesses and schools. I am passionate about web technologies and developer communities. I am also really interested in ML and AI aspect so i began my self study on python. Time not spent infront of a computer is spent binging 24 hours, yes the well known Jack bauer, or defending the honor of amala as the best swallow in Africa( I hope Bami forgives me for this, but we on the same team lol).

Services I offer

Since the beginning of my jounrey as a freelance designer and developer, I've done remote work for Agro businesses, schools, startups and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for a better user experience.

Beautiful Designs

Developing nice and lovely designs suited for your needs following code design theory.

Design tools I use


Beautiful Designs

Developing nice and lovely designs suited for your needs following code design theory.

Design tools I use













I offer from a wide range of services, like devloping user end interface of websites, teaching programming in schools and freelancing

Code Crushed wears

This is my first major React project. Created an ecommerce site. Code crushed wears allows you to order different clothings and pay for them online.

ReactJsFirebaseHtmlStyled componentsSass


Promptopia is an innovative platform designed to empower users to create, share, and discover AI-generated prompts effortlessly. The platform provides a seamless experience for users to sign in securely and create prompts tailored to their interests and preferences. These prompts are intelligently generated using advanced AI technologies, making them ready-made for various creative endeavors.

NextJsMongooseNextAuth.jsGoogle Cloud PlatformHTMLTailwind

Monsters Rolodex

This is my first React project. Created a landing page with a list of monsters. This project was to test my React skills.



I worked on a agro-business website for a startup called Balmid. It is also mobile friendly


Todo App

This is my first project. It is a very basic Todo app that utilisis local storage to store added todos so as to avoid loosing them.


Beatmaker project

Created a beatmaker project just for fun. It is very basic. Created it to imporve my VanillaJs skills.


Color Pallete Generator

Created a color pallete generator. Users can generate colors by moving along a slider until they get their preferred color and then copy it by clicking on the color name itself.



I worked on a photo generator site. It makes use of pexels api to generate photos based on input from the search box. Users can also generate more pictures using the generate more button.


Study Music

Created a Music player using react.



Created a landing page called manager. It is a challenge from frontend mentor. I created this to perfect my tailwind skill. It is very responsive. Adjusts to large screen, medium screens and mobile screens.
